Digital Ministry Toolkit
Benchmark and trend data can be powerful resources to help guide you to new opportunities and growth. However, the power lies in your ability to take action on those opportunities. If you find it challenging to look at data and know what needs to be done next, then you should request this free scorecard and brainstorming session.
In this Digital Ministry Toolkit, you will receive:
Ministry Benchmark Study - Know how well your ministry is performing compared to other ministries and be equipped with the data you need to make your digital ministry as effective as possible.
Customized Digital Ministry Scorecard - Includes digital scoring on 5 critical areas, and Five Q’s recommendation for the most impactful digital priority you and your team can implement in Q2.
Digital Brainstorming Session - 30 minutes of engaging conversation with your Five Q Digital Strategist, around the most important digital questions that can impact your ministry.
Since 2004 we’ve been blessed to work with amazing ministries like Revive Our Hearts, Got Questions, Love Worth Finding, and others. We’d love the opportunity to use our experience to point you in the right direction with this complimentary service.
Getting started is just 3 simple steps away:
1. Fill out the form to request your scorecard.
2. We'll put together your custom scorecard and schedule a meeting.
3. One of our experts will meet with you for a full hour to brainstorm on how to move your ministry forward.
This is a $500 dollar value, we’re offering for free because we’re excited to see how you’ll multiply your impact. Request your scorecard today.
If you are just looking for the Ministry Benchmark Study you can download that directly here.