Facebook Advertising for Nonprofits: Reach Beyond Current Website Traffic with Facebook Lookalike Audiences
If you haven’t read through the first and second pieces of our Facebook Advertising for Nonprofits mini-series, click the links above! In this section, we will be discussing how to best use the Facebook Pixel to target your audience beyond standard demographics. Stay tuned for our fourth and final section next week to see how real nonprofits use the Pixel to run effective campaigns on Facebook.
As we explored in the last section, the Pixel allows you to track web visitors based on how they interact with your site, ads, or app. Once you create an audience from this data, you can target different groups based on standard demographics. This means demographics such as age, gender, location, and language.
But it doesn’t stop there! You can also utilize more specific segmentation tools such as detailed demographics, interests, and behaviors. These options expand and target your audience based on details like marital status, groups they are a part of, and even upcoming birthdays.
The Pixel even allows you to create a lookalike audience based on similar characteristics of your current audience so you can continue expanding your reach beyond those who visit your site. Now that’s multiplying your impact!
For more pointers on choosing audience demographics and targeting donors, check out our guide, “Demystifying Facebook Audiences”. It’s free to download and full of helpful resources.